Holistic Health &
Wellness solutions
We offer professional grade nutritonal supplements and herbs that will benefit a variety of health conditions.
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Individualized Wellness Consults:
Gut/Digestive Disorders
Weight Issues
Adrenal Health
Immunity Health
Sleep Issues
General Wellness Consults:
Supplement Support
Lifestyle Coaching
Nutrient Deficiency
Reasons you might consider getting an Individualized Wellness Consult:
Struggle with any of the following: acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, long-term antibiotics use, unable to gain, maintain of lose weight, feeling tired but too wired to sleep, emotional, anxiety, depression, chronic illness, or frequently sick.
Reasons you might consider a General Wellness Consult:
Unsure of the term “healthy, clean eating”
Questions about what/when to use supplements
Not sure about the quality of supplements you are taking
What nutrients you could be lacking by taking prescription medications
Seeking a body-mind-soul balance
New patient visits: $90 (1 hour)
Follow-up visits: $75 (30 to 45 minutes)
Functional medicine: $150 (1 hour) plus supplements
Functional medicine labs: prices varies